Hatteras Island Cruisers Logo

Me and my family and 3 friends of ours went on vacation in corolla. One of the things we wanted to do was go and see the wild horses. The only way to get to them is by driving on the beach, and you need 4 wheel drive. My wife looked for tours online but for seven of us to go it would have been over $300!! So she started to look for 4×4 rentals. Currituck county no longer alows the rental of 4 wheel drive vehicles for diving on the beach. Then we found island cruisers inc. We rented a diesel suburban for 24 hrs with 150 miles included. We drove an hr and a half to and from this business, and it was 100% worth it. We saved 100 dollars by getting this truck. We also got to spend time on the beautiful beach after we saw some wild horses. You wont get that with a tour. Eric and Valerie are the couple that own this family business, and they are the nicest people you will ever meet. These guys are living the american dream on that island, and doing what they love by helping other people get the same enjoyment out of the OBX. Its small businesses like this that I will always support. Just visiting this establishment and seeing Eric’s VW bugs and dune buggies was one of the highlights of my vacation. Let me know if you are willing to sell a manx or a bug!! ? God bless